Course curriculum

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    Passport to Life Course Overview

    • Welcome Aboard the Life Coaches Passport to Freedom

    • Introduce Yourself

    • Course Overview

    • Coach's Book Resources

    • MODULE #1 MANUAL: The Coach's Boot Camp

    • QUIZ: MODULE #1-The Art of Self-Care

    • MODULE #2 MANUAL: The Mental Shift

    • QUIZ: MODULE 2: The Mental Shift

    • MODULE #3 MANUAL: Personal Development

    • QUIZ: MODULE 3: Personal Development

    • MODULE #4: Creating & Monitoring Your Personal Shedule-Tools & Resources

    • MODULE #4: YouTube University

    • MODULE #4-Survey

    • MODULE #5-Recommended Reading Materials

    • MODULE #6: Exploring Your WHY

    • MODULE #7: Developing Coaching Habits

    • MODULE #7: Recommended Reading Materials

    • MODULE #8: Become A Published Author

    • MODULE #8-Book Development

    • MODULE #8-Publishing Basics

    • MODULE #9: Your Personal Tool Box